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Congress Venues Suburbs

A selection of the best structures

Venues for Conferences: Suburbs

For the organization of meetings and incentives and the celebration of corporate events such as conventions and congresses, gala dinners and other similar occasions, we choose particular environments, rich in the charm typical of the historic center and the Ancient Sassi districts of Matera. These structures, rock churches, monasteries, terraces on the stones, historic houses, ancient fortified farms, make the event we organize stand out from any other event organized in other cities, making it unique. The particularity of the city of Matera, with its unique and characteristic morphology, contributes to the singularity of the event. Our staff personally examines the available locations and chooses the most suitable solution for the event, based on the participation forecasts, the target audience of the participants and the tastes and expectations of the client who organizes the congress. For the most demanding customers we also offer a series of dinner events that will make the evening unique.