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Women’s Fiction Festival

WOMEN’S FICTION FESTIVAL International women’s fiction festival

Fantasy, writing, creativity – all female words. The Women’s Fiction Festival, born from the idea of ​​Elizabeth Jennings, Maria Paola Romeo, Mariateresa Cascino and Giovanni Moliterni, is the only event in Europe dedicated to female fiction, with the particular formula of the Congress for writers.

Every year it celebrates writing and reading with three days of cultural study among the Sassi of Matera. An opportunity for those who write and read to meet. The absolute novelty is represented by the format of the event, which proposes: an international Congress for writers, master classes and creative writing courses, “Briefings for thriller writers” dedicated to mystery writers, face to face appointments between writers, editors, agents literary and editorial consultants, meetings with the public and school students, happy hour, concerts and the literary award ceremony called “La Baccante”.

During the year, the WFF organizes meetings with authors, book presentations, readings in English and acquires books and literary works from publishers and friends, collected in the Lending Library and in the Bibliothèque Française.

Over the years, the WFF has brought the editors and editors of the world’s leading publishers to Matera, including Penguin Books, Harper Collins, Harper Collins, Faber & Faber, Simon & Schuster, Kensigton Publishing, Grand Central, St Martin Press, Bitter Lemon Press, Einaudi, Piemme, Mondadori, Sperling & Kupfer, Feltrinelli, Rizzoli, Sonzogno, Marsilio, Amazon, Kobo. Many authors who met readers of all ages in schools, in the squares, among the people: Margaret Mazzantini, Clara Sanchez, Sveva Casati Modigliani, Lina Wertmüller, Inge Feltrinelli, Nick Hornby, Daniel Pennac, Nicholas Sparks, Stefano Benni, Alessandro Baricco, Giuliana Sgrena, Gianrico Carofiglio, Geppi Cucciari and many others.


Congress is useful for those who want to make writing a profession. It offers panels and seminars for in-depth study and professional updating on publishing animated by Italian and international editors, literary agents, writers, translators, marketing experts and self / digital publishing.

What is being done in Congress:

– In-depth seminars on publishing
– Writing workshops
– Masterclasses conducted by bestselling writers
– Creative and interactive brainstorming
– Briefing for mystery writers
– Face to face consultancy with Italian and foreign professionals of the literary and editorial world (Ask a Pro)
– Pitch: face to face meetings between authors, publishing houses and literary agents for the evaluation of the work (Book Exchange)

International Congress Program 2017
A door always open.

In balance between old and new, the publishing world is constantly on the move. In this context, it is therefore vitally important to understand which doors open and which close. The International Congress for Writers of the Women’s Fiction Festival is an open door.

During the three days of the Festival, writers will be able to meet publishing professionals and fellow authors and at the same time enjoy the city of Matera.

The program will be published shortly.
Register now! (subsidized shares until June 2017)


At the center of the Book Exchange are the stories to be published.
A unique opportunity for the writer and selection and publisher to meet is the distinctive element of the Women’s Fiction Festival.
The occasion is also useful for having, in the ASK A PRO section, personalized advice from publishing experts and professionals in the sector.

Who can participate and how to register and participate
To participate in the Book Exchange, you must register for the International Congress for Writers and define appointments with editors and agents in good time by writing to by 15 September 2017.
Beginning authors and / or authors, or already established writers and / or writers, can participate in the WFF book exchange.

Ask a Pro
At WFF, attendees can get personalized advice from publishing experts and industry professionals. For one-to-one editorial consultancy of the ASK A PRO section, you must communicate your preferences to

What is important to know to prepare for pitching
The time available to submit your stories to editors and agents is 10 minutes.
Do not make appointments with all the editors and agents present, but only with those who are looking for stories that can include yours.

Write a short synopsis and attach a couple of chapters.
Bring business cards with you or report your contacts on the synopsis.
Daily registrations to the Book Exchange and any replacements are not allowed.
The Book Exchange is a place for meeting and exchange: the WFF creates bridges, it is not responsible for what happens in the phases after pitching (any refusals, delays or non-responses).

The talents discovered at the Women’s Fiction Festival
Flavia Borelli, Sex, love and crunchy (Fazi), Simona Morani, Quasi arzilli (Giunti), Francesca Vignali Albergotti, Despite everything (Fazi), Cristina Cassar Scalia, The second summer (Sperling & Kupfer), Elisabetta Flumeri and Gabriella Giacometti, Love is a lady’s kiss (Sperling & Kupfer), Giovanni Ziccardi, with L’ultimo Hacker (Marsilio publisher), Giuseppina Torregrossa, with the Conto delle minne (Mondadori), Emilia Marasco, with the Feminine Plural Family (Mondadori), Daniela de Prato, with the Sun in her eyes (Tea Libri), Garbiella Genisi, with The circumference of the oranges (Sonzogno), on air soon in a TV fiction; Margaret Moore, with Tuscan Terminator (Worldwide Mystery), Elizabeth Edmondson, with Doume and Shadows (Sourcebooks), and other writers are in talks with literary agencies and international publishing houses.

Book online your trip and your stay in the city of the Sassi, technical sponsor of the Women’s Fiction Festival since the year of its foundation. The Lionetti Agency has selected and optioned rooms and suites for its customers in the hotels closest to the places where the festival will take place. Check availability and book online your stay in the city of Matera.

Do not forget to book the transfer service to and from Bari railway station / airport. For only € 45.00 per way and per person.

For information and assistance Paola or Michela 0835334033 or send an e-mail to or to

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